
This website provides general information and does not have regard to any specific investment objective, financial situation, or particular personal need. It does not constitute the distribution of any information where such distribution would be unlawful. Under no circumstances is it to be considered as an offer to sell, or a solicitation of any offer to buy by anyone in any jurisdiction in which such solicitation or offer is not authorised or to any person whom it is unlawful to make such solicitation or offer. All information contained on this website is distributed with the understanding that BOSWM MY is not rendering professional advice or opinions. Accordingly, the Company and its staff assume no liability whatsoever for any loss directly or indirectly caused by any person acting or refraining from acting by relying on the information provided/generated in this website and its interactive worksheets. You are advised to make your own assessment of the relevance, accuracy and adequacy of the information contained in / generated from this website and its interactive worksheets. The Company and its staff cannot guarantee confidential use of this website with complete security and privacy. Therefore, information transmitted to this website may be subject to access by, or disclosure to, other persons.

BOSWM MY controls and operates this website from Malaysia. This website is not directed to any person in any jurisdiction where the publication or availability of this website is prohibited. This website and any transaction effected through it shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Malaysia and the Malaysian courts shall have jurisdiction to any legal jurisdiction of the Malaysian courts.

Prospectuses / Supplementary Prospectuses Dated


(BOSWM Islamic Deposit Fund)


 16 December 2022


(BOSWM Dynamic Income Fund)

16 January 2023



(BOSWM Cash Fund)

 16 December 2022

Information Memorandums / Supplementary Information Memorandums Dated

Replacement Master Information Memorandum

First Supplementary Replacement Master Information Memorandum

Second Supplementary Replacement Master Information Memorandum

(BOSWM Emerging Market Bond Fund and BOSWM Asian Income Fund)

 26 February 2021

31 March 2022

15 August 2022

Replacement Master Information Memorandum

First Supplementary Replacement Master Information Memorandum

Second Supplementary Replacement Master Information Memorandum

Third Supplementary Replacement Master Information Memorandum

(BOSWM Core Growth Fund, BOSWM Core Balanced Fund and BOSWM Core Defensive Fund)

 26 February 2021

7 July 2021

16 December 2021

30 May 2022


Information Memorandum

First Supplementary Information Memorandum

(BOSWM Dynamic Islamic Income Fund)

 1 June 2021

15 August 2022


Master Information Memorandum

First Supplementary Master Information Memorandum

(BOSWM Core High Yield Bond Fund, BOSWM Core EM Investment Grade Bond Fund, BOSWM Core DM Investment Grade Bond Fund, BOSWM Core US Equities Fund, BOSWM Core Asia Equities Fund and BOSWM Core European Equities Fund)

 30 December 2021

15 August 2022


You are advised to read and understand the prospectus(es), supplementary prospectus(es), information memorandum(s), supplementary information memorandum(s) and PHS, and if necessary, consult your advisers, as well as consider the fees and charges involved before investing. Net asset value (NAV) and distributions payable, if any, may go down as well as up. Past performance is not an indication of future performance.

Our Funds are subject to these specific risks: BOSWM Islamic Deposit Fund — early termination of Islamic cash deposits risk and profit rate risk; BOSWM Dynamic Income Fund — Interest rate risk, credit and default risk, country risk and currency risk; BOSWM Cash Fund — early termination of cash deposits risk, interest rate risk and reinvestment risk; and BOSWM Dynamic Islamic Income Fund — interest rate risk, credit and default risk, early termination of placement in Islamic deposit(s) and investment accounts risk, and Shariah status reclassification risk. BOSWM Emerging Market Bond Fund is subject to target fund risk, currency risk and country and/or foreign securities risk. BOSWM Asian Income Fund is subject to target fund risk, currency risk and country and/or foreign securities risk. BOSWM Core Growth Fund, BOSWM Core Balanced Fund and BOSWM Core Defensive Fund are subject to target fund risk, currency risk, country risk and liquidity risk. BOSWM Core High Yield Bond Fund, BOSWM Core EM Investment Grade Bond Fund, BOSWM Core DM Investment Grade Bond Fund, BOSWM Core US Equities Fund, BOSWM Core Asia Equities Fund and BOSWM Core European Equities Fund are subject to target fund risk, currency risk, country risk and liquidity risk.

Description of these risks is published in our prospectuses and information memorandums.

Transactions are not to be conducted via computer transmission. However, you may request for further information. You should study the prospectus(es), supplementary prospectus(es), information memorandum(s), supplementary information memorandum(s) and PHS, and consider the fees and charges involved before investing. You should also note that distributions and NAV per unit do go up and down and past performance is not indicative of future performance.

Where a distribution is declared, you are advised that following the distribution, the NAV per unit will be reduced from cum-distribution NAV to ex-distribution NAV.

While it is the duty of the Manager to ensure the Fund(s) is/are being correctly valued or priced, the Manager cannot be held liable for any error in prices published on the websites of our distributors for the Fund(s). Pursuant to the Guidelines on Unit Trust Funds issued by the Securities Commission Malaysia, where there is incorrect valuation or pricing of units, the Manager will take immediate remedial action to rectify the error, which extends to reimbursement of money by the Manager to the Fund(s) and/or from the Fund(s) to the unitholders or former unitholders. Rectification need not be extended to any reimbursement where it appears to the trustees that the incorrect pricing is of minimal significance.

While it is the duty of the Manager to ensure that all comments given to the media is accurate and true at the time the comments were given, misquotation may still occur either by the media or third parties, which are out of the Manager’s control. In such situations, the Manager and its employees hold no responsibility for any claims and liabilities due to the misquotations by the media and/or third parties, and are under no obligation to fulfil any expectation or demand in relation to the misquoted statements.


Financial Highlight

  Audited Financial Highlights
Year Ended 31 December
Paid-up Share Capital (’000) 85,000 35,000 35,000
Shareholders’ Funds (’000) 49,368 16,881 34,087
Revenue (’000) 3,132 4,660 6,491
Loss Before Taxation (’000) (17,514) (17,205) (9,345)
Net Loss For The Financial Year (’000) (17,514) (17,205) (9,345)