Fees & Charges

Sales Charge  
Annual Management Fee  
Annual Trustee Fee  
Switching Fee  

Sales Charge

The sales charge is a fee levied on the purchase of units of a Fund, and is used to pay for marketing, advertising and distribution expenses of a Fund. The sales charge is deducted upfront from the purchase amount, leaving only the net amount invested in a Fund. The sales charge is calculated based on the NAV per unit of a Fund as at the next valuation point after the original application is received and accepted by the cut-off time of 4:00 p.m. (3:00 p.m. for BOSWM Islamic Deposit Fund) on any business day. The following table outlines the maximum sales charge^ to be imposed by our authorised distributors for the respective Funds:
Fund Maximum Rate Of Sales Charge To Be Imposed By BOSWM MY And Its Authorised Distributors^*
Zero Sales Charge Fund:
BOSWM Cash Fund No sales charge (Class A, Class B)
BOSWM Islamic Deposit Fund No sales charge (Class A, Class B)
Low Sales Charge Fund:
BOSWM Emerging Market Bond FundΔ Up To 3.00% of the Fund's NAV per unit of the class (Class MYR)
Up To 1.00% of the Fund's NAV per unit of the class (Class MYR BOS, Class USD BOS)
BOSWM Dynamic Income Fund
BOSWM Dynamic Islamic Income Fund
Up to 2.00% of the Fund's NAV per unit of the class (Class BOS MYR)
BOSWM Core Growth FundΔ Up to 2.00% of the Fund’s NAV per unit of the class (Class MYR-Hedged BOS, Class USD BOS, Class PP USD, Class PP MYR Non-hedged)
BOSWM Core Balanced FundΔ
BOSWM Core Defensive FundΔ
Up to 2.00% of the Fund’s NAV per unit of the class (Class MYR-Hedged BOS, Class USD BOS, Class PP USD)
BOSWM Core High Yield Bond FundΔ
BOSWM Core EM Investment Grade Bond FundΔ
BOSWM Core DM Investment Grade Bond FundΔ
BOSWM Core US Equities FundΔ
BOSWM Core Asia Equities FundΔ
BOSWM Core European Equities FundΔ
Up to 2.00% of the Fund’s NAV per unit of the class of units (Class MYR BOS, Class MYR I BOS, Class MYR-Hedged BOS)
BOSWM Global Optimal Income FundΔ

Up to 3.00% of the Fund’s NAV per unit (Class MYR, Class MYR-Hedged, Class USD, Class SGD, Class AUD)

0% of the Fund’s NAV per unit (Class INS MYR, Class INS MYR-Hedged)

Reduced Sales Charge Fund:
BOSWM Asian Income Fund Up to 5.00% of the Fund's NAV per unit of the class (Class MYR)
Up to 1.00% of the Fund's NAV per unit of the class (Class MYR BOS, Class USD BOS)

Despite the maximum sales charge disclosed here, investors may negotiate for a lower sales charge.

Investors investing under the EPF Members' Investment Scheme will be levied a maximum sales charge of up to 1.50% of NAV per unit of the Fund, as regulated by EPF.


Our IUTA may not carry the complete range of BOSWM MY's Funds. Investments made via our IUTA may be subject to different terms and conditions of the respective IUTA, including those for switching between Funds.


Annual Management Fee

The annual management fee is a fee charged for the ongoing portfolio management and administration of a Fund (e.g. to maintain unitholders' register, proper records of a Fund and to administer the investments). The following table outlines the annual management fees of the respective Funds:

Fund Annual Management Fee
BOSWM Cash Fund Up to 0.30% p.a. of the NAV of the class(es) of the Fund (Class A, Class B)
BOSWM Islamic Deposit Fund Up to 0.25% p.a. of the NAV of the class(es) of the Fund (Class A, Class B)
BOSWM Emerging Market Bond FundΔ Up to 1.50% p.a. of the NAV of the Class ( Class MYR)

Up to 1.10% p.a. of the NAV of the Class ( Class MYR BOS, Class USD BOS)
BOSWM Asian Income FundΔ Up to 1.60% p.a. of the NAV of the Class (Class MYR)

Up to 1.20% p.a. of the NAV of the Class (Class MYR BOS, Class USD BOS)
BOSWM Dynamic Income Fund
BOSWM Dynamic Islamic Income Fund
Up to 0.50% p.a. of the NAV of the Class (Class BOS MYR)
BOSWM Core Growth FundΔ Up to 1.40% of the Fund’s NAV per unit of the class (Class MYR-Hedged BOS, Class USD BOS, Class PP USD, Class PP MYR Non-hedged)
BOSWM Core Balanced FundΔ Up to 1.40% of the Fund’s NAV per unit of the class (Class MYR-Hedged BOS, Class USD BOS, Class PP USD)
BOSWM Core Defensive FundΔ Up to 1.20% of the Fund’s NAV per unit of the class (Class MYR-Hedged BOS, Class USD BOS, Class PP USD)
BOSWM Core High Yield Bond FundΔ Up to 1.10% of the Fund’s NAV per unit of the class of units (Class MYR BOS, Class MYR I BOS, Class MYR-Hedged BOS)
BOSWM Core EM Investment Grade Bond FundΔ
BOSWM Core DM Investment Grade Bond FundΔ
Up to 1.05% of the Fund’s NAV per unit of the class of units (Class MYR BOS, Class MYR I BOS, Class MYR-Hedged BOS)
BOSWM Core US Equities FundΔ
BOSWM Core Asia Equities FundΔ
BOSWM Core European Equities FundΔ
Up to 1.50% of the Fund’s NAV per unit of the class of units (Class MYR BOS, Class MYR I BOS, Class MYR-Hedged BOS)
BOSWM Global Optimal Income FundΔ

Up to 1.50% p.a. of the NAV of the Class of Units (Class MYR, Class MYR-Hedged, Class USD, Class SGD, Class AUD)

Up to 1.00% p.a. of the NAV of the Class of Units (Class INS MYR, Class INS MYR-Hedged)

The annual management fee is calculated based on the NAV of the Funds, accrued on a daily basis and is paid out of the respective Funds. The annual management fee is payable on a monthly basis.

Annual Trustee Fee

The annual trustee fee is a fee paid to the Trustee for the custodial management and administration of a Fund's assets (e.g. transaction settlement, custody and administration costs). The following table outlines the annual trustee fees of the respective Funds:

Fund Annual Trustee Fee
BOSWM Cash Fund Up to 0.025% p.a. of the NAV of the Fund
BOSWM Islamic Deposit Fund Up to 0.025% p.a. of the NAV of the Fund
BOSWM Emerging Market Bond FundΔ
BOSWM Asian Income FundΔ
0.04% p.a. of the NAV subject to a minimum of RM12,000 p.a. (excluding foreign custodian fee and charges)
BOSWM Dynamic Income Fund 0.04% p.a. of the NAV of the Fund, subject to a minimum RM8,400 p.a. (excluding foreign custodian fees and charges)
BOSWM Core Growth FundΔ
BOSWM Core Balanced FundΔ
BOSWM Core Defensive FundΔ
Up to 0.04% p.a. of the NAV of the Fund, subject to a minimum of RM12,000 per annum (excluding foreign custodian fee and charges).
BOSWM Dynamic Islamic Income Fund 0.02% p.a. of the NAV of the Fund
BOSWM Core High Yield Bond FundΔ
BOSWM Core EM Investment Grade Bond FundΔ
BOSWM Core DM Investment Grade Bond FundΔ
BOSWM Core US Equities FundΔ
BOSWM Core Asia Equities FundΔ
BOSWM Core European Equities FundΔ
Up to 0.035% p.a. of the NAV of the Fund, subject to a minimum of RM10,000 per annum (excluding foreign custodian fee and charges).
BOSWM Global Optimal Income FundΔ Up to 0.04% per annum of the NAV of the Fund, subject to a minimum of MYR12,000.00 per annum (excluding foreign custodian fee and charges).

The annual trustee fee is calculated based on the NAV of the Funds at the respective Funds' annual trustee fee rates, calculated and accrued on a daily basis and is paid out of the respective Funds. The annual trustee fee is payable on a monthly basis.

Switching Fee

The Manager does not intend to charge any switching fee; however, under certain circumstances, unitholders performing a switching transaction will have to pay the applicable difference in sales charge between the Funds to be switched from and the Funds to be switched into.

Our IUTA may not carry the complete range of BOSWM MY's Funds. Investment made via our IUTA may be subject to different terms and conditions of the respective IUTA, including those for switching between Funds.

For details, please refer to the prospectus(es) and/or supplementery prospectus(es) of relevant Funds on the switching facility pertaining to the applicable differences in sales charges.



Δ This wholesale fund is for sophisticated investors only. A sophisticated investor means any person who comes within any of the categories of investors as set out in Part 1, Schedules 6 and 7 of the Capital Markets and Services Act 2007 ("CMSA"). These would include (but are not limited to) the following:

A. Accredited investors
1. A unit trust scheme, private retirement scheme or prescribed investment scheme.
2. Bank Negara.
3. A licensed person or a registered person.
4. An exchange holding company, a stock exchange, a derivatives exchange, an approved clearing house, a central depository or a recognized market operator.
5. A corporation that is licensed, registered or approved to carry on any regulated activity or capital market services by an authority in Labuan or outside Malaysia which exercises functions corresponding to the functions of the Securities Commission.
6. A bank licensee or an insurance licensee as defined under the Labuan Financial Services and Securities Act 2010     [Act 704].
7. An Islamic bank licensee or a takaful licensee as defined under the Labuan Islamic Financial Services and Securities Act 2010 [Act 705].
8. A chief executive officer or a director of any person referred to in paragraphs 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.
9. A closed-end fund approved by the Securities Commission.

B. High-net worth entities

10. A company that is registered as a trust company under the Trust Companies Act 1949 and has assets under its management exceeding ten million ringgit or its equivalent in foreign currencies.
11. A corporation that–
  (a)     is a public company under the Companies Act 2016 which is approved by the Securities Commission to be a trustee under the Act and has assets under its management exceeding ten million ringgit or its equivalent in foreign currencies; or
  (b)     is carrying on the regulated activity of fund management solely for the benefit of its related corporations and has assets under its management exceeding ten million ringgit or its equivalent in foreign currencies.
12. A corporation with total net assets exceeding ten million ringgit or its equivalent in foreign currencies based on the last audited accounts.
13. A partnership with total net assets exceeding ten million ringgit or its equivalent in foreign currencies.
14. A statutory body established under any laws unless otherwise determined by the Securities Commission.
15. A pension fund approved by the Director General of Inland Revenue under the Income Tax Act 1967.

C. High-net worth individual

16. An individual –
  (a) whose total net personal assets, or total net joint assets with his or her spouse, exceeding three million ringgit or its equivalent in foreign currencies, excluding the value of the individual’s primary residence;
  (b) who has a gross annual income exceeding three hundred thousand ringgit or its equivalent in foreign currencies in the preceding twelve months;
  (c) who jointly with his or her spouse, has a gross annual income exceeding four hundred thousand ringgit or its equivalent in foreign currencies in the preceding twelve months;
  (d) whose total net personal investment portfolio or total net joint investment portfolio with his or her spouse, in any capital market products exceeding one million ringgit or its equivalent in foreign currencies; or
  (e) who acquires unlisted capital market products where the consideration is not less than two hundred and fifty thousand ringgit or its equivalent in foreign currencies for each transaction whether such amount is paid for in cash or otherwise.

And such other caregories of investor(s) as may be specified by the Securities Commission Malaysia from time to time.